Abdul Kalam was a perseverant thinker who has confronted failures and problems with his focussed approach, hard work and working methodology, and has risen to unprecedented heights. It is on the basis of his fine achievements that he could find a place amongst the international scientists. What inspires us is his rise to the highest position of our country, President of India, despite all the shortcomings that he faced in his early life. Many of us are greatly influenced and impressed by him and accept him as our role model.
Dr. Kalam was very popular among children and youths, and was also known as a Missile Man. He was also lovingly called as the Welder of People for his expression of sentiments replete in love and affection. His family members and childhood friends used to call him Azad.
Dr. Kalam’s philosophy was greatly effective:
1. Those who are responsible, simple, honest and hardworking, they are bestowed with special honour by God, because they are his finest creations.
2. Bring light to others’ lives.
3. Seek others’ blessings, serve your parents, respect the elderly and the teachers, and love your country; life is quite meaningless without all of these.
4. Giving is the most supreme and noble quality, but it should be coupled with forgiveness to give it perfection.
5. Help at least two poor children in their education in order to make them self-dependent.
6. Follow the path of simplicity and hard work, this alone is the path to success.
7. Learn from nature, there is much to learn from here.
8. We must dress ourselves with a smile, and to preserve it, we ought to cover our soul with a dress of qualities.
9. Time, patience and nature: these three are the better doctors to do away with all types of sufferings and heal all types of wounds.
10. Place high and noble goals before your life and strive to achieve them.
Dr. Abdul Kalam was such a great man who subscribed to the objectives of simple living, high thinking and hard-working who lived with these qualities in his life.
He once said: “It is essential to dream, but only dreaming does not lead to accomplishment; the most important thing in life is to set a goal for oneself” and work immensely for that goal.
If we understand the above points and implement them in our lives, we can succeed in our goals.